Category Archives: Geen categorie

Hesiodos Creative Magazine: Call for Content!

Are you bound by incomprehensible laws of the universe to find avenues of expression, through poetry, sketching, dance, music, or whatever, for no other reason than the joy and suffering of existence?
This is a humble suggestion and invitation: share your work with the student-run magazine Hesiodos.

Do you trust what you feel? 

Intuitions, gut feelings, emotional intelligence, instinct: stuff we don’t usually learn about in school, perhaps because of our culture’s focus on the rational and the objective. But in a post-truth world, shouldn’t we be better educated on how the non-rational affects our lives? 

Embracing interconnectedness – thinking about FLOTW

I found it a beautiful quote from philosopher and biologist Andreas Weber during the For Love of the World festival. It’s about death, not a cheerful subject. But Weber reassured: ‘If you think death is a definitive end, it puts enormous pressure on our short lifespan. With so much pressure, you cannot build a tender […]