Category Archives: Geen categorie

India and Delft

In 2014, there were over four hundred Indian students at the TU Delft, second only in number to Chinese students in the ballooning population of internationals. There is an active student’s association, ISA, representing Indian students and organizing cultural activities and parties from Diwali to Holi. And now for the first time there has been […]

Bezoek SG op de OWEE infomarkt!

Studium Generale, onderdeel van de TU Delft, biedt verdiepende en geestverruimende activiteiten aan. Van bitcoins tot Einstein en van politiek tot filosofie. SG daagt je uit om jezelf niet alleen als ingenieur te ontwikkelen, maar ook als individu! Bezoek onze lezingen, workshops, debatten, films en documentaires over de meest uiteenlopende onderwerpen met bekende en onbekende schrijvers, […]

Green Guide Delft

Delft has a small but dedicated group of students who are taking matters into their own hands to save the environment. The Sustainability Community is creating a network and spreading information and awareness on sustainability, ecology, and green initiatives on campus, in Delft, and around the globe. During the International Festival of Technology they launched […]