Kritieke grondstoffen met exotische namen als neodymium, dysprosium en kobalt. Europa heeft ze nodig. Voor de energietransitie, maar ook voor zo’n beetje alle andere sectoren van onze economie.
S4S Sustainability Symposium: Infinite Circles
Are you interested in the transition to circularity and the various perspectives on how it can be achieved? Join the free yearly symposium organized by Students4Sustainability.
SG Café Filosofie | Het buikgevoel: over het niet-rationele weten
De menselijke ervaring bestaat uit meer dan logica en rationele kennis. Welke plek hebben emoties, intuïtie of het weten van het lichaam in het wetenschappelijke debat? Welke waarde hebben deze ongrijpbare vormen van kennis voor de samenleving? En hoe zetten we ze gegrond in?
Sustainability Debate TU Delft: The Circular Economy
(How) can we achieve a circular economy? The environment is screaming for an end to our wasteful economy. But first, consumer behavior will need to change, as will laws, regulations, taxes, education, and more. Can we overcome the obstacles and the challenges?
Sci-Fi Book swap
Got any sci-fi books you want to trade? We’re hosting a ‘gezellig’ little book swap for anyone who wants to have a surprise encounter with new books to read.
Existential Tuesday: Have you ever had an independent thought?
Is it better to fit in or to find your own way in life? Let’s discuss what it means to be an independent or original thinker. And whether aspiring to be one is good for you or not.
Democracy Day at TU Delft
How should our university be governed? Students and staff of various organizations have come together to create a platform for discussion.
VOX Film Club – April movie
Watch Nobuhiko Obayashi’s “His Motorbike, Her Island” with the VOX Film Club!
VOX Discussion Night: The Marketplace of Ideas
How should ideas and opinions be handled in society? Are our knowledge and beliefs market driven or is this itself an outdated idea? Join us and discuss!
VOX Book Club: We, by Yevgeny Zamyatin (1924)
We live in chaotic times, but living in overly-structured times might not be much better. The coming months we’ll be reading the dystopian novel We, a book that inspired works like Brave New World and 1984.