Exterminate All the Brutes | Killing at a distance

How can the world still allow genocide to take place? Have we learned nothing from the past? This episode offers a different perspective on the history of this most brutal of human practices. How science, racism, technology and military superiority drove the development of new ways of killing.

Existential Tuesday: (When) is privilege a problem?

To what extent (if any) is it acceptable for there to be differences in what people can get access to, like education, food, or housing? Is it okay for there to be differences in what people can get away with? Are there any privileges that we could and should abolish?

Critical Mass | Samenleven

Er is woningnood, vergrijzing, een huurcrisis, een zorgcrisis, torenhoge inflatie. Maar onze huidige manier van leven en bouwen is niet de enige. Is er ruimte in Nederland voor gemeenschappelijk wonen?