Discussion: What does “in the closet” mean today?

This term, the Nook is hosting the Pink Closet from True U, TU Delft’s own LHBTIQ+ network. This pink colossus is, of course, a metaphor for “hiding” your identity as a queer person – or should we say, not disclosing? We want to talk about what it means to be in, out, or in between the closet. Does it even make sense to talk about a “coming out” anymore? And even if it does, which identity are we sharing, and when, and with whom, and why?

Come check out the Pink Closet, see what it’s like to step in and out of it. And join us for a discussion with Thomas Smits from DWH Delft. Share your experiences if you want to, and listen to others. All are welcome!

Visit the location's website here.