For Love of the World | Yke Bauke Eisma and robot dog Spot

Recording: For Love of the World | Yke Bauke Eisma and robot dog Spot

Robot dog Spot

Can we really relate to robots, care for them, or even love them? And could they love us back? Yke Bauke Eisma, researcher on human-robot interaction, and robot dog Spot will promote this discussion.

For Love of the World Festival

Can we write a new story for our world? One where we live in harmony with nature, treat each other equitably and use our knowledge and technology democratically? Studium Generale TU Delft presents the For Love of the World festival, in which we invite you to join us in looking for new and different stories about the world. During this journey, we bring together technology, philosophy, and art to come to new perspectives.

We want to shape the future together with you and search for answers to the most important questions. Can we look at our place in the cosmos? How can we learn to treat the planet with more respect? And what impact does the increasing autonomy of technology have on us as humanity? We invite you to participate, to share and discover new stories together.

Visit the location's website here.