Grizzly Man (2005) – VOX Movie Night

VOX Delft, the association for critical and creative thinking, is hosting another free movie night in the TU Library.

What is man’s place in the wild?

Timothy ‘Grizzly Man’ Treadwell was a grizzly bear enthusiast and documentary maker who would fly out to Alaska every year to spend months camping with the animals, but one day, tragedy struck. Werner Herzog’s documentary “Grizzly Man” was pieced together from Timothy’s actual video footage of the bears, and examines the bear enthusiast’s love of the animals. It questions the boundaries between wildlife and humanity, idealism and realism. Join us watching the acclaimed documentary along with a brief discussion at the end.

As usual pizza and drinks are on VOX! Register here.

This event is organized by VOX Delft in collaboration with SG.

Visit the location's website here.