Opening Reception of ‘In the Beginning was the’: an exhibition

There’s only one way to know what was ‘In the beginning…’

Join Katarina Petrović and library curators for an artist talk and conversation about ArtScience, algorithms, and what the negation of seminal texts like the Bible and Darwin offers us. She will also overview her ongoing collaborations with TU Delft researchers and institutes like Stephen Pickens (Applied Sciences) and QuTech.

The discussion will be followed by a reception and the chance for audience members to interact with the artist, words, and works.

Artist talk – Close Encounters, POST x InScience festival, Nijmegen. Photo: Coen Koppen fotografie

‘In the Beginning was the’ exhibition made possible thanks to:


Katarina Petrović (NL/RS) is an artist and researcher working at the intersection of art, science and humanities. Her work focuses on generative and creative processes, from meaning-making, poiesis, and organizational systems to physics of sound, light, and vacuum. She creates systems, procedural works that are presented as modular installations in an online and offline space, using media such as generative text, poetry, sound, software, and performance.

Katarina holds a MMus degree from ArtScience Interfaculty, Royal Conservatoire and Royal Academy of Arts in The Hague, and an MFA equivalent from the Academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade. She is an affiliated researcher at the transdisciplinary research Center Leo Apostel (VUB) in Brussels where she initiated the ArtScience research group and lectured at the postgraduate School of Thinking (VUB). Katarina presents and lectures internationally and is currently working as a guest teacher at ArtScience Interfaculty, The Hague.

Recent exhibitions include ‘Poetics of Prompting’ (MU Hybrid Art Space, Eindhoven 2024) and ‘Approaching Zero’, solo exhibition at DISPLAY University Jaume I, Castellon (2024) & Cultural Center of Belgrade (2023). |

Explore SG’s and the TUD Library’s related events this quarter on the theme: Language x Power 

The stories we tell construct our reality, shaping our minds and the way we see the world, ourselves, and each other. But who wrote these stories, and to what end? Are we telling ourselves tales to liberate or dominate, to hope or despair? Can we tell those stories differently? And if so, what would we change? 

11 Feb 12:45 | Existential Tuesday: What is language? @ TUD Library, the Nook
18 Feb 12:45 | Existential Tuesday: What would life look like in a scientific dictatorship? @TUD Library, the Nook
25 Feb 12:45 | Existential Tuesday: How do you become wise? @ TUD Library, the Nook
27 Feb 12:45 | Writing Huddle: Body Language @ TUD Library, the Nook
27 Feb –  27 May | Exhibition ‘In the Beginning was the @ TUD Library Hall

27 Feb 16:00 | Exhibition Opening Reception
3 March 20:30u | SG’s Critical Mass: Kolonialisme en taal: wie claimt het verhaal? @ Theater de Veste (in Dutch)
4 March 12:45 | Existential Tuesday: What is our culture’s grand narrative? @ TUD Library, the Nook
11 March 12:45 | Existential Tuesday: Why do we divide the world into opposites? @ TUD Library, the Nook
13 March 16:30-18:30 |
Politics of the Unsaid | Negation x Writing Workshop @ TUD Library
18 March 12:45 | Existential Tuesday: How do you manipulate people with words? @ TUD Library, the Nook
20 March 19:00 | Documentary Film night | The Mindscape of Alan Moore | VOX Film Club @ TUD Library
29 March SG’s festival For Love of the World @ Theater de Veste 

Visit the location's website here.