Should Society Pay Reparations for Dutch Slavery?

Should descendants of people enslaved during the Dutch colonial era be paid compensation for the injustices done to their ancestors?

The Netherlands marks the 150th anniversary of the abolition of slavery this year.  The government has already offered an official apology for its role in the past. But what about the matter of reparations? Should descendants of people enslaved during the Dutch colonial era be paid compensation for the injustices done to their ancestors? What would that look like? Who would pay, and how much? Under which conditions? What would the impact be, for those who receive the reparations on the one hand and for those paying them on the other? And whether or not reparations are paid, can we heal the traumas of the past and have an equitable society?

What do you think? Join us if you’d like to explore these and other questions.

The SG Academy

The world is weird and we should talk about it together. The SG Academy is a small informal discussion group led by SG program maker Klaas. Come and go as you like as we explore topics from philosophy to anthropology, social/cultural criticism, linguistics, logic, mythology, political ideologies, and metaphysics. Minimum 4, maximum 12 participants. Priority spots for students and staff, but all are welcome.

Credit to Dall-E for the cover image (and credit to all the unnamed artists whose work went into training Dall-E).

Visit the location's website here.