VOX Discussion Night: Technology bad?

What’s the point of all this technological progress? Is it really helping us? Would we be better off without smartphones, without social media, without electricity? Should we “return to monke?” Even in antiquity, Plato wrote critically of writing as a technology that might atrophy our minds. More recently, some philosophers, science fiction authors, and mathematicians have argued ‘technology bad.’

How should we make sense of technophobia? How do we measure the value of our progress, the quality of our lives, and hopes for our future? Join us for a discussion on our attitudes towards technology.

Attention! This week’s event will be hosted at Kobus Kuch (a bar in Delft)
Address: Beestenmarkt 1, 2611 GA Delft. The first drink is on us! See you there on the 21st of January at 19:00 !

This event is organized by VOX Delft in collaboration with SG.