The TU Delft film club meets every Thursday night outside of exam periods. We’ll explore all sorts of movies from around the world, in different themes, with some light snacks and drinks. Come join us for the next sessions in October. If you want to get more personalized updates and to chat with the community, join the VOX Film Club WhatsApp group through this link:
Please remember to sign up through the links below (as they become available) so we know how many snacks and drinks to prepare!
Naked Lunch (1992) dir. by David Cronenberg. 5th December, 7pm @ Orange Room.
Woman in the Dunes (1964) dir. by Hiroshi Teshigahara. 12th December, 7pm @ Orange Room.
*Christmas Special* Brazil (1985) dir. by Terry Gilliam. 19th December, 7pm @ Orange Room.
The VOX Film Club is brought to you by VOX Delft in collaboration with SG.