VOX Delft



VOX Delft is a self-described platform for interdisciplinary, cross-cultural discussion and debate on technology, society, and philosophy. Co-founded with SG in 2011, the VOX student board has since created a community of critical and creative thinkers in Delft, both Dutch and international, who enjoy sharing knowledge and opinions on all manner of topics. Their motivation: to offer a place where students (and other interested people) can be social and meet new people, as in any student association, but to use that platform to engage in serious, nuanced, and mutually enlightening discussions.

The main VOX activity is the weekly discussion, which is usually hosted every Tuesday evening in the Library. Participants are invited to offer suggestions for discussion topics online, and to vote on them to decide a winner. This takes place on the Facebook group page.

Topics so far have included: free will, the ethics of chemical warfare, “the five stupidities of the English language,” rational negotiation, the ethics of marketing, (3d printed) guns and society, Anarcho-Communism in the Spanish Civil War, gamification, and independent journalism. No forehand knowledge is required to join a discussion.

VOX Delft is officially an association, but membership is not required. In the spirit of transparency and openness, board meetings are open for attendance and the minutes of the board meetings are freely accessible on their website. You can also find summaries of the discussion evenings there. There are no fees, no outspoken ideologies, or embarrassing initiation ceremonies. The only thing VOX asks is an open mind and a willingness to learn from others.