The complete agenda at a glance


Sacred Sessions | Growing Pains

Thawing out hurts. Birth requires pushing. Sprouting means rupture. This session tends to the growing pains of the upcoming spring season, offering a chance to think about what’s to come.


Politics of the Unsaid: Negation x Writing Workshop

By using certain language we inevitably deny other truths. What if we uncover the unsaid, in texts like the Bible, the Origin of Species, political speeches, etc? What will the stories behind the words show us about our collective implicit biases and inherited cultural beliefs?


Wat doet AI met onze blinde vlekken?

Generatieve AI-applicaties zoals ChatGPT zijn recent met groot enthousiasme onthaald. Hierbij speelt de belofte dat AI-assistenten ons kunnen helpen om ons werk efficiënter te maken, en ons op gepersonaliseerde wijze te assisteren.
