Our latest recordings


Prometheus’ Problems | Do we need engineers in politics?

During election campaign time, various parties like to make the case that we should have more scientists involved in politics. In Delft, we like to approach problems with the practical mindset of an engineer. But do we need more engineers in politics? In fact, does politics need engineers at all? 


Het Filosofisch Café | Radioactieve verhalen: beelden van kernenergie

Kernenergie roept uiteenlopende emoties op. Waar de een zwart omrande beelden van derde wereldoorlogen, vervuiling en nucleaire straling ziet opdoemen, ziet de ander vooral een groene toekomst zonder fossiele brandstoffen. Het beeld dat mensen hebben van kernenergie wordt dan ook al jaren beïnvloed met verschillende verhalen door Hollywood of Netflix, de media en de politiek. 

In the mood for a read?


SG Highlights | Week 52

Every week during the Holidays we will post a selection of highlights from the past year so you can enjoy our events from home, since we are currently unable to offer you these in person. Stay safe and healthy and have a wonderful new year!


SG’s Global Philosophies Lecture Series

In this lecture series, Studium Generale will introduce you to a series of different philosophical traditions from China, India, Africa and the Americas. An acquaintance with other ways of thinking, but also with believing, seeing and feeling, though philosophy, poetry, theatre, music and other forms of art.
