Enlighten your lockdown holiday with Studium Generale pop-up lectures!


After exams, and before new classes start, you need some time to relax. Under normal circumstances you would meet friends, go to a bar or even skiing. Unfortunately the current circumstances don’t allow for it, so we have to come up with alternative ways to meet and take our mind off the usual hustle and bustle of daily life.

At Studium Generale we fully realise we are not the perfect surrogate for drinks and parties. We can however offer thought provoking and topical content that triggers critical thinking and social awareness. We stimulate the mind, and therefore care for your wellbeing. So be on the lookout for our pop-up lectures & interviews in the first week of February!

February 2nd
Diederik Jekel – Hope in times of lockdown (EN)
20.00 – 21.30

Online lecture and Q&A via Zoom.

What does it mean to be an academic in these difficult times and what can we learn from what we have experienced? Can we make a better world moving forward from this and how can you as students help make this better society happen?

February 3rd
Toske Andreoli – De mooiste tijd van je leven? (NL)
20.00 – 21.30

Online lezing en Q&A (in Dutch) via Zoom.

Steeds meer studenten zijn over­spannen, neerslachtig en eenzaam, hebben concentratie­problemen en angstaanvallen, ook vóór de pandemie. De universiteit biedt cursussen ‘Burn-outpreventie’, ‘Timemanagement’ of ‘Lekker in je vel’ aan, op social media staat dat je gezond moet eten, wandelen en mediteren. Maar ligt het wel aan de studenten zelf? Een pleidooi voor een ander studieklimaat.

February 4th
Miriam Rasch – Friction: Ethics in times of Dataism (EN)
20.00 – 21.30

Online lecture & interview via Zoom.

Can humans really be understood as algorithms? What happens to the things that cannot be captured in data? And why is the dataist future presented as inevitable?