VOX Discussion Night: Clickbait and the Battle for our Attention
We are continuously choosing what to focus on. But where do we draw the line with sneaky marketing and advertising tactics?
We are continuously choosing what to focus on. But where do we draw the line with sneaky marketing and advertising tactics?
What happens when you gain control over your genetic future?
Lumen and Studium Generale are joining forces and are starting a new monthly collaboration showcasing the best and freshest voices from cinema. Tickets are only €7,50 with a student card and include a free drink!
Exploring the challenge of reconciling America’s true history with its ideals of freedom and democracy and linking the modern resurgence of white nationalism to fascism, slavery, colonialism and Nazism.
Is there room for magic in a rational world?
Is it okay to kill bad people yourself? A lone gunman shot down the CEO of a large American health insurance company on the streets of New York City. Now the internet is pouring out support for the gunman. Why does an act of vigilantism entice the popular imagination so much?
We will explore and make use of the interactive artworks of Laurent Mignonneau & Christa Sommerer (presented in the Library) to look into themes such as portraiture, fleeting connections, and selfie culture.
Self-actualization is often described as the journey of becoming your truest self. But what does this mean, and how can we approach such a profound concept?
Films about AI and intelligent robots highly speak to our imagination. What do these narratives tell us about ourselves? About our shortcomings, fears and struggles with being human.
What happens when you contemplate the weirdness of reality? Join a classic existential investigation of time and its cousin, eternity.
Er is woningnood, vergrijzing, een huurcrisis, een zorgcrisis, torenhoge inflatie. Maar onze huidige manier van leven en bouwen is niet de enige. Is er ruimte in Nederland voor gemeenschappelijk wonen?
Join the free movie nights of the VOX Film Club on Thursdays in the TUD Library. Watch Naked Lunch, Woman in the Dunes, and Brazil!
We want to talk about what it means to be in, out, or in between the closet. Does it even make sense to talk about a “coming out” anymore?
Got any good books you want to trade? We’re hosting a ‘gezellig’ little book swap for anyone who wants to have a surprise encounter with new books to read.
75 minutes of contemplative practice, spiritual teachings & collective reflection. Everyone is welcome. As we shift into the colder months, we’ll examine the vast root system that supports each one of our lives.