Writing Huddle: Body Language
If you want your stories to feel alive, you need to learn to paint pictures with your words. This session, we’re focusing on bodies.
If you want your stories to feel alive, you need to learn to paint pictures with your words. This session, we’re focusing on bodies.
Three women working in a hospital in overcrowded Mumbai, India. On the way to the countryside, it suddenly becomes a lot quieter.
Building from the previous two sessions on stillness and listening, we’ll now find our voice. Playing with the acoustics in the Oude Kerk, we’ll explore how speaking is always a dance of attunement between our bodies and our surroundings.
To what extent can we trust our own minds?
How do you gain wisdom? Is it through a teacher, books, suffering, living in a cave? Through words, intelligence, intuition, or feeling?
Join us in reading and discussing this famed feminist essay by Virginia Woolf.
Philosophically speaking, everything we know could be a lie. How do skepticism and knowledge add up to a life in which things actually kind of make sense?
On what knowledge should we base our lives? What if we abolished bullshit and based all our truths on science instead?
Experienced debaters from the Debating club hold a debate with a humorous twist. Come watch various interesting and relatable motions get built and then meticulously destroyed by rival sides.
In this creative writing workshop, we will imagine post-human characters by connecting to the creatures of the exhibition Arcadian Dreams.
Even if it’s happened only once, we all know the profound feeling of being listened to deeply. In this session we’ll experiment with listening skills by attending to the space around us, to one another, and to ourselves.
What is the role of the real-life conversations we still have? Have they changed over the years, both in shape and purpose? What skills does one need to be a good conversationalist?
We use it all the time, everywhere, to make sense and to make nonsense. But have you figured out what language really is, fundamentally? Get ready for a mindf*ck.
Lumen and Studium Generale are joining forces and are starting a new monthly collaboration showcasing the best and freshest voices from cinema. Tickets are only €7,50 with a student card and include a free drink!
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