An overview of the things we write


Hesiodos Creative Magazine: Call for Content!

Are you bound by incomprehensible laws of the universe to find avenues of expression, through poetry, sketching, dance, music, or whatever, for no other reason than the joy and suffering of existence?
This is a humble suggestion and invitation: share your work with the student-run magazine Hesiodos.


Sacred Sessions at the Oude Kerk

Madelaine Ley recited a poem at Studium Generale’s For Love of the World: Philosophy, Art and Technology conference and found herself surrounded by others delighted to have the soul and spirit included in intellectual conversations.


Do you trust what you feel? 

Intuitions, gut feelings, emotional intelligence, instinct: stuff we don’t usually learn about in school, perhaps because of our culture’s focus on the rational and the objective. But in a post-truth world, shouldn’t we be better educated on how the non-rational affects our lives? 


Why Climate Theatre?

The climate crisis has a significant impact on the quality of life for young people – including students and PhD candidates at TU Delft. What can we do about it?


Embracing interconnectedness – thinking about FLOTW

I found it a beautiful quote from philosopher and biologist Andreas Weber during the For Love of the World festival. It’s about death, not a cheerful subject. But Weber reassured: ‘If you think death is a definitive end, it puts enormous pressure on our short lifespan. With so much pressure, you cannot build a tender […]


Brief Uit de Toekomst | Lieve overgroot-oma

Net als jij schrijf ik graag brieven. Leuk (en jammer) om te lezen dat dit in jouw tijd dus al niet meer zo gebruikelijk was. Aangezien we dit gemeen hebben leek het me toepasselijk om je een brief te schrijven.


It makes your blood boil

What pissed students in Delft off in 1861, so much so that they started the first protest on campus?

Future society

Letter from the Future | My dear kids…

nwe corridor_auto time stamp 12.02.64_05.37 sender ls_id123221212 My dear kids, It’s been awhile since we’ve talked, but I’ve quietly followed your digital chatter to keep abreast of where you all are. Let me first say: I am so proud of all of you.


Could colours have meaning?

The new direction of Studium Generale aligns with a new style and colour palette, emphasizing contrast and connection.


A Letter from the Future

What will life in the future be like? SG will soon to invite everyone to have their say. Here is our first letter from the future…
