Join VOX for a discussion hosted by two experts on Asian philosophy and intercultural philosophy. We will break down some myths and common misconceptions about Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism.

Join VOX for a discussion hosted by two experts on Asian philosophy and intercultural philosophy. We will break down some myths and common misconceptions about Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism.
From lithium, to coltan, to nickel and gold: what is the impact that our increasing dependence on Critical Raw Materials makes on our world? Can we ethically and equitably mine everything we need to support our lifestyles and the energy transition or not?
What’s more fun than digging for clues from your favourite writer or musician? Planting them yourself!
What do we communicate through our eyes? How do cultural barriers, gender, age, size, power differences, innate charm, and other factors determine how we make contact?
Lumen and Studium Generale are joining forces and are starting a new monthly collaboration showcasing the best and freshest voices from cinema. Tickets are only €7,50 with a student card and include a free drink!
This session is cancelled, have a look at our festival instead!
Good vs. bad, us vs. them, man vs. woman. Can we live without getting stuck in false dichotomies?
Generatieve AI-applicaties zoals ChatGPT zijn recent met groot enthousiasme onthaald. Hierbij speelt de belofte dat AI-assistenten ons kunnen helpen om ons werk efficiënter te maken, en ons op gepersonaliseerde wijze te assisteren.
Three women working in a hospital in overcrowded Mumbai, India. On the way to the countryside, it suddenly becomes a lot quieter.
Culture is your operating system. Can you step back from it and describe it?