Even if it’s happened only once, we all know the profound feeling of being listened to deeply. In this session we’ll experiment with listening skills by attending to the space around us, to one another, and to ourselves.

Even if it’s happened only once, we all know the profound feeling of being listened to deeply. In this session we’ll experiment with listening skills by attending to the space around us, to one another, and to ourselves.
In this documentary, the famed mind behind V For Vendetta and Watchmen articulates his knowledge of creativity, language, and occult magick. Sound weird? You bet it is.
To what extent can we trust our own minds?
Philosophically speaking, everything we know could be a lie. How do skepticism and knowledge add up to a life in which things actually kind of make sense?
What is the role of the real-life conversations we still have? Have they changed over the years, both in shape and purpose? What skills does one need to be a good conversationalist?
What stories can we tell so that we can learn to love the world again? What words stand in our way? Create a new, more loving story at the second edition of the For Love of the World festival.
How do you gain wisdom? Is it through a teacher, books, suffering, living in a cave? Through words, intelligence, intuition, or feeling?
How should we make sense of technophobia? How do we measure the value of our progress, the quality of our lives, and hopes for our future?
We use it all the time, everywhere, to make sense and to make nonsense. But have you figured out what language really is, fundamentally? Get ready for a mindf*ck.
On what knowledge should we base our lives? What if we abolished bullshit and based all our truths on science instead?