Living Survival Guide: Health and Wellbeing

Getting acclimated to a new town and a new university can be challenging. Doing so in a new country can be even more so. If you want to know how to navigate the medical system in the Netherlands, join us for our second Living Survival Guide.

The Survival Guide is a series published in Delta which shows you how to survive at TU Delft. It covers topics from cheap eats to death. Together with Sports and Culture and Studium Generale, Delta is offering this free event to help you find your way.

Experts from the student health insurance company, the employees’ health insurance company, the university psychologist, a representative from a general practitioner’s office and other related to the medical system who give short presentations and then be available to answer all of your questions. Have a personal question you’d like to ask privately? You will have the opportunity to do that as well.

November 18 from 12:45 – 13:30 in the Orange Room of the library. Lunch will be provided!

Visit the location's website here.