What can a physicist do for the world? How can physics research help to solve the big problems of our time? From the 12th till the 15th of October these questions will be answered during the 56th symposium of the the study association Vereniging voor Technische Physica (VvTP) of the TU Delft. The theme is 2020 Physion: Visions for Future Physics and Technology. Read below for more info on the speakers and register here!
Evening lecture “Becoming Passionate”: Thursday October 15th, 8:00-10:00pm
Robbert Dijkgraaf is probably the most renowned physicist in the Netherlands. As a scientist, Dijkgraaf has made significant contributions to string theory. His research focuses on the interface between mathematics and particle physics. In addition to finding surprising and deep connections between matrix models, topological string theory, and supersymmetric quantum field theory, Dijkgraaf has developed precise formulas for the counting of bound states that explain the entropy of certain black holes. For his contributions to science, Dijkgraaf was awarded the Spinoza Prize, the highest scientific award in the Netherlands, in 2003. He is currently director of the prestigious Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, USA. Dijkgraaf will address topics in his online lecture that might intrigue you as a student: what is important in working in physics? Is a certain vision on physics essential and is this a quality that students can develop? And could today’s students work on great future discoveries?
George van Hal is a Dutch journalist, publicist, and currently science editor for the newspaper Volkskrant. He will share his vision on physics prior to interviewing Dijkgraaf. Van Hal’s entertaining presentation style and knowledge of scientific literature make him a perfect match for our guest of honour, physicist Robbert Dijkgraaf.
Lunch Lectures: Monday the 12th through Thursday the 15th of October
Four lunch lectures will precede the evening lecture. Because of the current Covid-19 restrictions they will also be held online. Register for the lectures, for free, through the symposium website: https://symposium.vvtp.tudelft.nl/