SG Academy: Is ChatGPT Going To Kill Creativity?

What do we really want from AI? Is it to make our lives easier, so that we have more time for creative endeavors? Tools like ChatGTP and DALL-E do the opposite: they take over the job of being creative (one in text, one in images), so that humans have more time for boring things.

There are many issues to unpack here, like ownership, authorship, beauty, and creativity. Or academic honesty and checking for cheating or fraud. What will happen if we can no longer determine whether an essay, a cover letter, or an abstract image was created by a human or a machine? How will that affect learning, grading? How does it impact employment for artists and other creative professionals and the way we reward creativity?

Bring your thoughts and join us for this open discussion!

The SG Academy is a small discussion group open to all. Be sure to sign up on time as space is limited!

The SG Academy is an initiative by Studium Generale to engage the university community (students and staff) in literature, philosophy, critical thinking, and a generally broader look at human culture through all kinds of media. Think of it as a modern book club, where a small group of (aspiring) intellectuals get together to discuss not just books, but writers, comics, art, movies, essays, articles, and documentaries. Without experts or speakers. The topics include everything from philosophy to anthropology, cultural criticism, linguistics, logic, mythology, political ideologies, and metaphysics.

(Minimum 5, maximum 12 participants in the Steve Jobs room of the TU Library. Priority spots for students and staff, but all are welcome)

Credit to Dall-E for the cover image (and credit to all the unnamed artists whose work went into training Dall-E)