The Five Stages of Climate Grief | Anger

Recording: The Five Stages of Climate Grief | Anger

Welcome to SG’s contribution to TUD Climate Action. There will be five events for you to visit, corresponding to the famous five stages of grief: denial, depression, anger, bargaining, and acceptance.

Stage 3. Anger

We are all affected by climate change, but not all equally. When addressing these challenges, we need to consider who bears the cost and who reaps the benefits. Through climate change, adaption and mitigation, global injustices have become manifest as a physical reality. How do we ensure justice across the borders between current and future generations, the Global North and the Global South.  

Anger and activism play an important role in the public debate on climate justice. But what is the best way of channelling our emotions and turn them into positive action? 

Artist in residence Letizia Artioli is a PhD candidate at IUAV University of Venice and KABK ArtScience. Investigating the relationship between human beings and climate change data as a matter for research and creation.

Bram Bosch is a master student at the faculty of Industrial Design Engineering at TU Delft. He is also involved in activism through End Fossil Leiden University & TU Delft.

 Joost Vervoort is Associate Professor of Transformative Imagination in the Environmental Governance Group at the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development. Joost’s research focuses on how different imaginations of the future connect to action in the present.

Wouter Kusters is a philosopher and linguist. He has published books on psychoses and mental health. His latest book is “Shockwaves – Philosophy in times of climate change” (2023).

Moderator Alessandro Taberna is a PhD candidate at the Department of Multi Actor Systems, Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management.

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