Pulse, Hall 1

Pulse is a new education building on the TU Delft campus between the faculties of Industrial Design Engineering (IDE) and Mechanical Engineering. It is a central place bringing students and lecturers together to make contacts, collaborate, acquire knowledge and share the latter and develop themselves.

St. Jansbrug

Welkom op de site van de Delftse Studenten Vereniging Sint Jansbrug. De vereniging is opgericht in 1947, los van een maatschappelijke of religieuze positie. Sint Jansbrug kenmerkt zich in haar frisse kijk op de wereld. Zo was de vereniging de eerste Delftse vereniging die vrouwen en HBO studenten toeliet. Ondertussen heeft de vereniging ruim 700 […]


Pulse is a new education building on the TU Delft campus between the faculties of Industrial Design Engineering (IDE) and Mechanical Engineering. It is a central place bringing students and lecturers together to make contacts, collaborate, acquire knowledge and share the latter and develop themselves.