Moral Ambition: How Badly do you want to do Good?
How do you do good in the complex modern world? And why? Challenge your perspective on what it truly means to do good!
How do you do good in the complex modern world? And why? Challenge your perspective on what it truly means to do good!
Dat het klimaat verandert is inmiddels bekend, maar wist u dat Nederland er daardoor heel anders uit zal gaan zien?
De menselijke ervaring bestaat uit meer dan logica en rationele kennis. Welke plek hebben emoties, intuïtie of het weten van het lichaam in het wetenschappelijke debat? Welke waarde hebben deze ongrijpbare vormen van kennis voor de samenleving? En hoe zetten we ze gegrond in?
SG hosts a lecture and discussion that reflects on the pro-Palestinian protests on campus: the context and history behind the slogans that are used, the demands that are made, and their social impact.
Kritieke grondstoffen met exotische namen als neodymium, dysprosium en kobalt. Europa heeft ze nodig. Voor de energietransitie, maar ook voor zo’n beetje alle andere sectoren van onze economie.
Will you be replaceable? How much of your work have you already outsourced to technology? Join us for discussion, drinks and pizza!
Join us at the Art & Tech Café, where we will explore the agency and intelligence of non-human entities such as the objects, animals, and ecologies all around us.
Sylvia Pont laat u in deze lezing het licht zien, letterlijk en figuurlijk, door waarneming, optica en ontwerpen met elkaar te verbinden en door wetenschap, kunst en techniek samen te brengen. Je kan licht pas ontwerpen als je het kan zien.
Can we write a new story for our world? One where we live in harmony with nature, treat each other equitably and use our knowledge and technology democratically?
Having reached the modern level of control over nature, humans are now collapsing under their success. Will they find a way to relate differently to their environment?
Design, while intended for positive transformation, wrestles with the unintended consequences of issues like climate change, resource depletion, and surveillance capitalism. But what if design is part of the problem?
What would a society look like that is dedicated to the wonder of existence?
Love is an answer to the lack that lies at the heart of aliveness, but it does not compensate for that lack—it transforms it.
Climate change spans across generations. If you could reach out to generations yet to come, what would you like to tell them?
While watching the night sky over the Atacama Desert, Heinrich Päs experienced how Nature works as a “net-like intricate fabric” to which we all belong.