Existential Tuesday: Has society become more hostile?
Are we all becoming more asshole-like over time? Impatient, unyielding, individualistic, and full of righteous rage?
Are we all becoming more asshole-like over time? Impatient, unyielding, individualistic, and full of righteous rage?
How should Trump’s victory make us understand elections elsewhere, and vice versa? Is it better understood as a conservative triumph, a progressive defeat, or something else entirely?
75 minutes of contemplative practice, spiritual teachings & collective reflection. Everyone is welcome. As we shift into the colder months, we’ll examine the vast root system that supports each one of our lives.
Got any good books you want to trade? We’re hosting a ‘gezellig’ little book swap for anyone who wants to have a surprise encounter with new books to read.
We want to talk about what it means to be in, out, or in between the closet. Does it even make sense to talk about a “coming out” anymore?
Er is woningnood, vergrijzing, een huurcrisis, een zorgcrisis, torenhoge inflatie. Maar onze huidige manier van leven en bouwen is niet de enige. Is er ruimte in Nederland voor gemeenschappelijk wonen?
What do political values even mean in the face of so much money? What chance do people have in a democracy that can be bought?
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How do you do good in the complex modern world? And why? Challenge your perspective on what it truly means to do good!
How do you do good in the complex modern world? And why? Challenge your perspective on what it truly means to do good!
Dat het klimaat verandert is inmiddels bekend, maar wist u dat Nederland er daardoor heel anders uit zal gaan zien?
De menselijke ervaring bestaat uit meer dan logica en rationele kennis. Welke plek hebben emoties, intuïtie of het weten van het lichaam in het wetenschappelijke debat? Welke waarde hebben deze ongrijpbare vormen van kennis voor de samenleving? En hoe zetten we ze gegrond in?
What do political values even mean in the face of so much money? What chance do people have in a democracy that can be bought?
Wrinkles and creases, hairs and goosebumps. Toenails and hands that look so real that they remind you of your own. Bone structures and skin tones that resemble yours. And yet, despite all the recognition you feel estranged from what you’re witnessing in Echo’s main hall in the exhibition Arcadian Dreams
If you are looking for hard-earned lessons, look no further. I want to delve into Augustine’s meditations on grief.