Could colours have meaning?

Can colour – especially the combination of colours – have meaning? That is a key principle of Studium Generale’s new style. Historically, it’s a point of contention between physicist Isaac Newton and poet, scientist, and philosopher Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Newton approached colours objectively and measurably, considering their place in the spectrum and corresponding wavelengths. Goethe, on the other hand, explored the experience of colour – how we perceive it and the emotions it evokes.

The new direction of Studium Generale aligns with a new style and colour palette, emphasizing contrast and connection. This reflects the complexity of our interconnected world, where actions have consequences beyond ourselves. Studium Generale values intersectionality and multidisciplinarity, emphasizing the interplay between ecology, philosophy, science, and technology, as well as living harmoniously with diverse people and lifestyles. The chosen colour style contrasts yet forms connections, embodying a tactile materiality that acknowledges the world is meant to be felt, not just understood.

Learn more about Studium Generale’s new mission here. Join us on Monday, February 19 at 12:45 in The Nook of the TU Delft Library, for a small rebranding celebration, where you can play with colours and receive delightful goodies like stylish tote bags featuring our new logo!