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Past event

Collage Night!

VOX is hosting a special event: Collage Night! We will be working together on a collage that will go on display at The Nook!

Past event

VOX Discussion Night: Neurodiversity

What do we understand by neurodiversity? Do we only value it as long as it’s high functioning for our society? What does it mean to embrace diversity in human cognition? How do we build an inclusive world for all neurotypes? Join us to learn the experiences of fellow VOX members and dive deeper into the topic!

Past event

Sustainability Debate TU Delft: The Circular Economy

(How) can we achieve a circular economy? The environment is screaming for an end to our wasteful economy. But first, consumer behavior will need to change, as will laws, regulations, taxes, education, and more. Can we overcome the obstacles and the challenges?

Past event

Democracy Day at TU Delft

How should our university be governed? Students and staff of various organizations have come together to create a platform for discussion.
