Now that we seem to have ‘flattened the curve’ and the number of corona victims reduces, our eyes are opened to the ravage the crisis has left.
All posts by The Administrator
Corona Care Package #33 | The power of images: the people working in health care
Arts are a great way to add a face and a feeling to abstract matters. And photography can tell an entire story with a single image.
Corona Care Package #32 | We’re Stuck in a Science Fiction Novel
The drastic changes to society, the draconian measures taken by some governments, the sense of being in a historic period, and the speed in which it has all happened seem more typical for fiction than for reality.
Corona Care Package #31 | Universal Basic Income & Mental Health
In these times of economic uncertainty there is once again talk of a universal basic income, which has the potential to save many from poverty. Could it also improve our mental health?
Corona Care Package #30 | Why you should make useless things
At @TUDelft we are all about ‘Impact for a better society’. That implies creating technology that is useful and has a clear purpose. Well, not necessarily…
Corona Care Package #29 | Two live events today: Health Webinar & Movie Night!
Do you want to stay healthy and build new habits during the pandemic? Or rather just sit back with a Netflix series and discussion? Why not both!
Corona Care Package #28 | Design for the end of life
The corona pandemic confronts us with all sorts of issues we usually don’t really (want to) think about. Death is one of them.
Corona Care Package #27 | Liberation Day: Reflecting on Fascism & corona
Today the Netherlands commemorates the end of WWII and, in a sense, the end of fascism in Europe. In today’s SG Corona Care Package, anarachist writer Jay Fraser warns readers to consider the return of (what he sees as) a fascist sentiment in the wake of the corona crisis.
Corona Care Package #26 | Staying Healthy at Home Webinar | Thursday 7 May
How do you work on your health during COVID-19 pandemic and support your immune function? The COVID-19 crisis is asking a lot of us. Being at home a lot can make it difficult for you to take care of your health.
Corona Care Package #25 | Albert Camus’ The Plague explained in ten minutes
“Pestilence is so common, there have been as many plagues as there have been wars, yet plagues and wars always find people equally unprepared”