Close The Loop (Workshop)

  Closing the Loop maximizes the reuse of high quality mobile phones by giving them a second life in Africa or Asia, where they also collect ‘end-of-life’ scrap phones for recycling, done in Europe. In this way they turn scrap phones into new valuable recources and jobs. Their goal is to rescue every mobile phone […]

Except (Workshop)

  Except Integrated Sustainability delivers concepts and strategies for resilient, just, and inspiring cities, companies, and governance. Since 1999 they bring together private and public partners and guide them towards systemic and fundamental improvement, where all stakeholders benefit. They apply innovative systemic analysis, develop road maps towards resilience, and execute solutions with inspiring design. Together […]

The Dutch Wind Wheel The Dutch Windwheel is THE sustainable icon for the future according to its creators. The building is unique with its application of the EWICON technology – developed in Delft – in order to generate wind energy. Furthermore the building is outstanding because of its design, material use and functionality. For more information check their website: […]

Beter Future Factory (Workshop)

Better future factory is a sustainable design and engineering studio that turns (plastic) waste streams into innovative valuable solutions. Their mission is to help make system change to create a better future. By starting now for a better future tomorrow. They are specialized in circular economy models with a deep knowledge of the growing plastic […]

Sustainability – A Drive for Innovation

Jacobine Das Gupta wants to contribute to a sustainable world by developing aspirational products and systems that are ecologically viable, economically sound and improve people’s lives. In her current role at DSM Jacobine fosters sustainability induced innovation and business development, building on her engineering educational background (M.Sc. Industrial Design Engineering), and professional experience in research […]

Molten Salt Reactors

Gijs Zwartsenberg zal uitleggen hoe Molten Salt Reactors werken en vertellen wat de belangrijke sociale rechtvaardigheidsaspecten van het gesmoltenzoutverhaal zijn. Waarom is dit in basis toch duurzaam en een goede energieverwekkende optie terwijl het in het eerste opzicht misschien niet zo lijkt? Deze technologie is in potentie beslist duurzaam, maar daagt toch uit tot nadenken […]

Footprint Challenge: Hoe groot is jouw footprint?

In deze lezing gaan we het hebben over de voetafdruk, oftewel de ruimte die nodig is voor onze levensstijl. De gemiddelde Nederlander heeft 6,3 hectare nodig en dat zijn zo’n 9 voetbalvelden. Klinkt niet veel, maar als iedereen op de wereld zo zou leven, dan zijn er 3,6 aardbollen nodig… The Footprint Challenge daagt uit, […]

Indian Expedition: What It’s Like to Be An Engineer in India

What is it like to be an engineer in India? What kind of cultural differences are there, what should you absolutely never do, and how far can you get with a typical Delft attitude? Students4Sustainability, the Indian Students Association Delft, and SG are hosting a lunch event where students from different backgrounds will talk about […]

Projects Abroad: A Student’s Perspective

Are you the type of student that dares to leave his or her comfort zone? Working on projects abroad is a challenge every single day. During this lunch lecture 2 student teams will tell you about their experience on working with local institutions for their projects abroad. Including free lunch! This event is brought to […]

No Man’s Land: Managing urban growth in sub-Saharan Africa

Innovative land administration tools for managing urban growth in sub-Saharan Africa: Cases from Namibia, Zambia and Botswana Sub-Saharan Africa is urbanizing rapidly, but most countries lack appropriate tools to manage their urban growth. This creates both risks and opportunities for prospective land holders, resulting in a tangle of insecure land rights and claims under multiple […]