Monumental Today

Evelyne Merkx of Merk X discusses the repurposing of monumental architecture today for new purposes. Free lunch, first come first served! This event is part of the “Monumental Architecture Week” organized by Stylos, the student association of the Architecture Faculty, as part of their 120th anniversary celebrations. Please visit the Stylos website for up to […]

What is Monumental?

SOM Architect’s Kent Jackson reflects on their monumental buildings of the present. Free lunch, first come first served! This is an introductory lunch lecture of the “Monumental Architecture Week” organized by Stylos, the student association of the Architecture Faculty, as part of their 120th anniversary celebrations. Please visit the Stylos website for up to date […]

BKBIOS Movie Night: The Competition

Live discussion with Angel Borrego Cubero, the director of “The Competition“. Take a look behind the scenes of the world’s greatest architects. Sign up costs: 3 euro, plus optional 5 euros if you want food This event is part of the “Monumental Architecture Week” organized by Stylos, the student association of the Architecture Faculty, as […]

Monumental in the Past

On the history of monumental architecture in Europe. Free lunch, first come first served! This is an introductory lunch lecture of the “Monumental Architecture Week” organized by Stylos, the student association of the Architecture Faculty, as part of their 120th anniversary celebrations. Please visit the Stylos website for up to date information on this event. […]

De AIVD – de Nederlandse NSA?

De laatste maanden zijn inlichtingen- en veiligheidsdiensten volop in het nieuws. Onthullingen over de werkwijze van de Amerikaanse en Britse geheime diensten werpen de vraag op of ook de Nederlandse inlichtingen- en veiligheidsdiensten zich bezig houden met de grootschalige vergaring, combinatie en het gebruik van metagegevens van telefoon- en internetverkeer. Temidden van deze tumult pleitte […]

Filmavond: Code 46

Interessante, romantische sciencefictionfilm speelt zich af in een nabije toekomst waarin de overheid ieders liefdes- en gezinsleven bepaalt. CODE 46 markeert de start van het programma over privacy van Studium Generale Delft. Na afloop is er debat met Patrick van der Duin. Een mooi voorbeeld van sciencefiction die commentaar geeft op de huidige maatschappij door […]