“A big, pleasant, theatrical investigation of the future of democracy, but also an active invitation to stand for new ideas.”
Join us for the Livestream! 21.00 – 22.30h
Interactive Theatre – In Search of Democracy 3.0
Authoritarian leaders, algorithms and global capital. Democracies are under pressure from
all sides. If we want to shape power in a fair way, something needs to change. But what
exactly, and how?
We, New Heroes, ARSENAAL and Het Zuidelijk Toneel set off on a journey through Europe
with our new project: In Search of Democracy 3.0. As a pilot project of the European network
IN SITU, and together with local partners, we make an investigation of today’s democracies,
with all its challenges and solutions for the future. In Search of Democracy 3.0 contains an
interactive live performance, documentary series, lecture and a knowledge platform.
The tour of our live research performance started in the summer of 2019. In a nice and
dynamic evening we will take you into our research into the history, the present, and the
future of democracy. We do not only provide an analysis but also actively search for new
possibilities and ideas. So be prepared to be inspired.
The combination of theater, music and direct dialogue creates an open and accessible
atmosphere in which you can choose whether you want to participate in the research or whether you
prefer to look at what is thought and decided.
Anyway, see you soon!
Watch the trailer here! https://insearchofdemocracy.com/project-trailer/
Team: Lucas De Man, Niels Kuiters and Oukje den Hollander.
Rik van der Veen is the technician.
This event is a collaboration with our colleagues at X TU Delft