Our latest recordings


BingeWatch Academy: Superman and Luke Cage

BingeWatch Academy: Superhero Science Episode I – Superman and Luke Cage Can you be bulletproof? Tune in to BingeWatch Academy! Superheroes are capable of a multitude of superpowers and abilities. Perhaps one of the most iconic powers is that of impenetrable skin, which is possessed by many characters such as Superman, who appears in the Netflix […]


Diversity Talks | Inclusive Design and Technology

You are cordially invited to our third lecture ‘Inclusive Design and Technology’ on Thursday 14 March 2019, 12.30 hrs at the faculty of Industrial Design and Technology in the Joost van der Grinten Hall. During this event we will bring the discussion about inclusion towards the work done in the university, the research and the […]



When external relations powers are transferred from the national to the EU realm, this constrains national governments. However, EU citizens are comparatively more powerful in controlling EU external relations via the European Parliament than national citizens are in controlling the external actions of national governments. So who is taking back control? Christina Eckes is  Professor […]

In the mood for a read?


Two Live Polls/Enquetes! -closed

After the success of our “SG Conscience Survey”, the results of which are on display in the Aula entrance hall this month (September), we’ve concocted a few fresh polls for you to fill in. Both are related to upcoming events: the lecture by Rutger Bregman, Gratis geld voor iedereen, and the Delta debate “Making Room […]


Van Hasselt lecture 2015: The Future of Peace, Weapons and War

The Future of Peace, Weapons, and War Mary Ellen O’Connell It is an honor to deliver this lecture named for Frans van Hasselt, who in 1940 spoke out in protest of the injustices of the Nazi occupation of The Netherlands while at the Deflt University of Technology. He paid for his words with his life. […]


TU Delft Debating Club Competes at Tournaments

In the weekend of the 19th and 20th of February the TU Delft Debating Club proudly represented the TU Delft at the Erasmus Rotterdam Open debating competition. There were three teams debating, two judges and three spectators present. This shows we are growing as a debating club. It was a long weekend, with no less […]
