Synthetic Biology and the TUD iGEM Team

*Update* The TU Delft iGEM team won the overall prize of the competition this weekend (28 september 2015). Out of over 200 teams from universities across the world, congratulations!

What do you know about the future of synthetic biology? As for me, I’ll admit I’m no expert. Life sciences seem like a pandora’s box to me, waiting to completely disrupt all the biological systems on our planet. But maybe I’m just an optimist 🙂

Last August, a dozen students from across the TU got some hands-on experience in developing ideas and business plans for up and coming technology in this field. Led by the students of this year’s iGEM team (iGEM stands for International Genetically Engineered Machine), a workshop was held to spread knowledge and awareness about synthetic biology and to get feedback from, frankly, a bunch of (enthusiastic and capable) noobs.

SG helped sponsor and plan this workshop. Have a look below for a summary of the event, or open the pdf here!

iGEM Bio3Dimensions workshop august 2015-1

iGEM Bio3Dimensions workshop august 2015-2

iGEM Bio3Dimensions workshop august 2015-3

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