Every week until the start of the second semester, we will post a selection of highlights from the past year so you can enjoy our events from home, as on-campus events are currently not possible. Stay safe and healthy and have a wonderful new year!
For previous weeks, please take a look at our blogs.
Monday: Van Leeuwenhoeklezing | Onder de huid van schilderijen
Vlak onder het zichtbare oppervlak van een schilderij, letterlijk enkele micrometers, ligt een schat aan informatie over de kunstenaar. Denk aan de onderschildering, de eerste opzet van het schilderij, maar ook veranderingen van de compositie tijdens het schilderproces. In sommige gevallen gaat onder het oppervlak zelfs een tweede, geheel andere compositie schuil.
Tuesday: The Future of Universities | The International Campus
Dutch universities are attracting more and more international students. The growing international economy and information-based society is here to stay, and so is internationalisation of university students. What should this look like in the future?
Wednesday: Prometheus’ Problems | What if technology decides for us?
Technology taking over control is not new. But what if we lose autonomy to these machines? Can machines make moral decisions? Is this acceptable? And where do we draw the line?
Thursday: De Groene Live Delft | Een ander internet
Tijdens deze editie van De Groene Live heroverwegen we de emanciperende potentie van het internet, op zoek naar een egalitaire digitale samenleving.
Friday: Global Philosophies and the SDGs | Ubuntu, Buen Vivir, and Gross National Happiness
Three continents, three different philosophies: Ubuntu, Buen Vivir, and Gross National Happiness. How do they look at sustainability, inequality, and the other challenges of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals?
Saturday: Environmental Crises | Crossing Policy Domains and Communicating the Urgency
We are racing towards a radically different future. One way or another, the environmental crises we face will increasingly impact every facet of life from jobs to food, energy to equality. We discuss what policies are needed for a safer future and roadmaps for how they may come about.