An overview of the things we write


Van Hasselt lecture 2015: The Future of Peace, Weapons and War

The Future of Peace, Weapons, and War Mary Ellen O’Connell It is an honor to deliver this lecture named for Frans van Hasselt, who in 1940 spoke out in protest of the injustices of the Nazi occupation of The Netherlands while at the Deflt University of Technology. He paid for his words with his life. […]


TU Delft Debating Club Competes at Tournaments

In the weekend of the 19th and 20th of February the TU Delft Debating Club proudly represented the TU Delft at the Erasmus Rotterdam Open debating competition. There were three teams debating, two judges and three spectators present. This shows we are growing as a debating club. It was a long weekend, with no less […]


Maart: Maand van de Vrouw

INTERNATIONALE VROUWENDAG 2016 Al ruim 100 jaar vinden, tijdens de Internationale Vrouwendag (8 maart), wereldwijd activiteiten plaats rondom de positie van de vrouw. Met thema’s als economische zelfstandigheid van vrouwen, empowerment, seksueel geweld, zorg en arbeid, discriminatie en racisme. Anno 2016 zijn deze thema’s actueler dan ooit. Hoe werkt dat in de praktijk? Ontvoeringen en […]


5 Minute Survey: Engineers and their conscience

Everyone gets confronted with difficult decisions and responsibilities in life. Engineers however face especially impactful choices. Should you work on a drone, knowing that it can be used for spying or to kill people? Or on robots that take away millions of jobs; ships that end up polluting Asian beaches; GMO’s or pesticides that destroy […]


Refugees Welcome in TU Delft Free Zones – A Satire

When the TU Delft introduced the Free Zones on campus about a year ago, I have to admit my first thoughts were ragingly cynical.  This must be a joke, I thought: in order to improve the quality of life on campus, a team of grown up people spent a good deal of time (and $$) […]


India and Delft

In 2014, there were over four hundred Indian students at the TU Delft, second only in number to Chinese students in the ballooning population of internationals. There is an active student’s association, ISA, representing Indian students and organizing cultural activities and parties from Diwali to Holi. And now for the first time there has been […]


Synthetic Biology and the TUD iGEM Team

*Update* The TU Delft iGEM team won the overall prize of the competition this weekend (28 september 2015). Out of over 200 teams from universities across the world, congratulations! What do you know about the future of synthetic biology? As for me, I’ll admit I’m no expert. Life sciences seem like a pandora’s box to […]


Bezoek SG op de OWEE infomarkt!

Studium Generale, onderdeel van de TU Delft, biedt verdiepende en geestverruimende activiteiten aan. Van bitcoins tot Einstein en van politiek tot filosofie. SG daagt je uit om jezelf niet alleen als ingenieur te ontwikkelen, maar ook als individu! Bezoek onze lezingen, workshops, debatten, films en documentaires over de meest uiteenlopende onderwerpen met bekende en onbekende schrijvers, […]


Nu online! Joris Luyendijk – Dit kan niet waar zijn

Onder de titel ‘dit kan niet waar zijn’ sprak Joris Luyendijk op woensdag 25 maart jl. in de Aula van de TU Delft tegenover 1800 (!!) zeer uitgelaten mensen, over het bancaire systeem van deze wereld. De grote zaal van 1000 man zat afgeladen vol en alle extra toeschouwers moesten naar de tegenoverliggende collegezalen, uitgerust […]


VOX Delft board positions for next year!

VOX is looking for new board members for the academic year of 2015-2016. And since I advise the board, that means I’m looking too. SG wants to further the amazing ability of VOX Delft to call together socially-minded thinkers. They are always open to new ideas and freely experiment with the challenge of bringing diverse […]


Green Guide Delft

Delft has a small but dedicated group of students who are taking matters into their own hands to save the environment. The Sustainability Community is creating a network and spreading information and awareness on sustainability, ecology, and green initiatives on campus, in Delft, and around the globe. During the International Festival of Technology they launched […]


Vacancies on the board of Ecolution

Looking to do something meaningful in Delft? Ecolution is an important student association, working to increase practical knowledge and awareness about environmental issues and solutions. And they need new board members for the coming year. Read their call below and go to their website to find out more. Ecolution calls for new members! Are you […]


“Will it help us in the sustainability rankings?”

Last week the TU Delft Sustainability Community hosted a lunch lecture on how sustainable the TU Delft campus is. After all, the university talks the talk, but do they walk the walk? From the data presented by Industrial Ecology student Siebe Trompert it became clear that the TU Delft has a long way to go […]


4 months of SG Academy and nobody’s lost their mind yet

After the first four months and 16 episodes I think we can safely say that the SG Academy has graduated from its trial period! People get together and talk. They exchange information and opinions on certain subjects. There’s really nothing more fancy to it than that, but it works and it’s fun. For a brief […]


Are We Missing the Big Picture in Delft?

How much time in your academic career have you spent discussing, debating, or explaining your own worldview with other students or staff? Had any fights, or perhaps breakthroughs because of it? To clarify, by worldview I mean your religion if you’re religious; your personal philosophy if you’re an atheist or agnostic; and in general, your […]
