Corona Care Package #21 | Staying connected with StayDelft
Do you also miss hanging out with your friends in Delft? Or do you miss meeting new people? StayDelft is here to help you stay connected!
Do you also miss hanging out with your friends in Delft? Or do you miss meeting new people? StayDelft is here to help you stay connected!
Sound familiar? It’s a classic line from the movie Network (highly recommended) but it’s also how some of us feel about the corona crisis and the restrictions we’re under right now. Frustrated, irritated, angry.
Did you know that every university has a Studium Generale (or an equivalent) bureau? Like us, they have been sharing ánd creating thought-provoking online content.
Of course there’s little that can replace the genuine #theatre experience of red plush seats, heavy velvet drapings and spotlights on a stage. Still, check out today’s tips and set up your own theatre from home.
Truth has become a product, aimed at satisfying a need. The advent of digital capitalism turned truth into whatever makes you click.
Humor can be a great coping strategy in hard times. And there’s some great internet humor out there poking fun at the COVID-19 crisis. Which of these jokes gets you laughing, cringing, and thinking in new ways?
These are confusing times, how do you cope? A lot of people feel like expressing themselves artistically. The editors of TU Delft’s creative magazine Hesiodos are looking for contributions for the fourth edition that is to be published later this year.
From our video archives: in 2016 Swami Jyothirmayah visited the TU Delft and gave a lecture on yoga, meditation, silence, breathing, and more.
Last Tuesday we shared Yuval Noah Harari’s perspective on the world after the corona crisis. Today we refer to John Gray’s essay in @NewStatesman: Is this crisis a turning point in history?
These are confusing times, how do you cope? A lot of people feel like expressing themselves artistically. The editors of TU Delft’s creative magazine Hesiodos are looking for contributions for the fourth edition that is to be published later this year.
Humankind is now facing a global crisis. Perhaps the biggest crisis of our generation. The decisions people and governments take in the next few weeks will probably shape the world for years to come
Whether you have it or not, the Corona virus is changing our behavior. On the positive side, there are many shows of solidarity among people locally and internationally.
A lot of us try to deal with stress by over- or under-eating. It’s a natural reaction to a stressor like quarantine, but it isn’t exactly healthy. Psychology Today explains this biological urge and how to manage it in the coming months.
We need doctors, we need teachers, but do we also need philosophers in times of Corona? Find out how Philosophy can help you during this crisis.
Looking for some responsible distraction between all of the home study and/or work? Experience ballet and opera from home with the online programme of the Dutch National Opera & Ballet.