Closing the Loop maximizes the reuse of high quality mobile phones by giving them a second life in Africa or Asia, where they also collect ‘end-of-life’ scrap phones for recycling, done in Europe. In this way they turn scrap phones into new valuable recources and jobs. Their goal is to rescue every mobile phone […]
Except Integrated Sustainability delivers concepts and strategies for resilient, just, and inspiring cities, companies, and governance. Since 1999 they bring together private and public partners and guide them towards systemic and fundamental improvement, where all stakeholders benefit. They apply innovative systemic analysis, develop road maps towards resilience, and execute solutions with inspiring design. Together […] The Dutch Windwheel is THE sustainable icon for the future according to its creators. The building is unique with its application of the EWICON technology – developed in Delft – in order to generate wind energy. Furthermore the building is outstanding because of its design, material use and functionality. For more information check their website: […]
Better future factory is a sustainable design and engineering studio that turns (plastic) waste streams into innovative valuable solutions. Their mission is to help make system change to create a better future. By starting now for a better future tomorrow. They are specialized in circular economy models with a deep knowledge of the growing plastic […]
De AIVD vermeldt het duidelijk op hun site: ’De AIVD ziet digitale aanvallen als een van de grootste bedreigingen voor de Nederlandse veiligheid’. Tegelijkertijd berichten de Nederlandse kranten vaak over gevallen van gestolen credticardgegevens of identitieitsfraude, waarbij iemands digid onwetend wordt misbruikt voor criminaliteit. Cyber crime en daarmee cyber security lijkt een onlosmakelijk deel te vormen van het moderne leven. […]
Toegangsprijs € 22,50 / € 15,00 (studenten) Voorverkoop tevens via muziekhandel Van Buytene, Binnenwatersloot 16 te Delft. Het is een van de wereldwonderen uit de muziekliteratuur: Spem in Alium nunquam habui – nooit heb ik in een ander mijn hoop gehad [dan in U, Heer] – van de Engelse componist Thomas Tallis (c.1505-1585). Een spektakelstuk […]
Join TEDxDelft Cinema for an evening of TED videos, a movie, cozy atmosphere, cool hosts, and, of course, popcorn. We’ll have an evening curated by a interesting host who will select some TED films and a movie based around something they are passionate about. Afterwards, we’ll have an open discussion with the audience about the […]
Salon events are often small weekly or monthly events that keeps a TEDx community engaged between regular TEDx events. It’s a unique kind of gathering that TEDx organizers hold which allows the conversation to continue, in person. At a TEDx Salon, attendees watch TED Talks, sometimes host a few speakers and have informal discussions about […]
In robotics, concepts from decision making and control are applied on all levels. Examples range from low level control of the motors, for example when the controller sends currents to the motor in order to reach the desired robot position, to high level control where the robot needs to take a decision given the current […]
The purpose of this series of workshops is to provide tools to help students determine what your strengths are, what you want, why, and how to achieve it. It is organized by a team of two alumni, a current student, and a staff member of the TU Delft, all of whom are committed to sharing their life […]