Book Swap

Got any books you want to trade? We’re hosting a ‘gezellig’ little book swap for anyone who wants to have a surprise encounter with new books to read.

Monday Media Breakdown

There’s the news, and then there’s the way the news is presented. Today let’s look at how news about the war in the Gaza strip is portrayed in Western media.

Van Leeuwenhoeklezing: De bomentaal van Delft

Wat als we bomen laten ‘spreken’ voor Delft? Wat vertellen ze ons over het groene verleden van de stad, en over hoe de stad van nu te lezen is als woorden, zinnen en verhalen van bomen en groen?

@The Nook this week

Check out our mini-events in the Nook this week. Discuss the news during Monday’s Media Breakdown and try out some meaning of life stuff on Existential Tuesdays.