Monday Media Breakdown

There’s the news, and then there’s the way the news is presented. Today let’s look at how news about the war in the Gaza strip is portrayed in Western media.

Van Leeuwenhoeklezing: De bomentaal van Delft

Wat als we bomen laten ‘spreken’ voor Delft? Wat vertellen ze ons over het groene verleden van de stad, en over hoe de stad van nu te lezen is als woorden, zinnen en verhalen van bomen en groen?

@The Nook this week

Check out our mini-events in the Nook this week. Discuss the news during Monday’s Media Breakdown and try out some meaning of life stuff on Existential Tuesdays.

How Do You Know You’re Not a Robot?

Another Existential Tuesday discussion! Consider the possibility that you might be a machine, or try to prove the opposite. Use logic, science, common sense, personal insight, or whatever you can bring to the table for an intimate philosophical conversation in the Nook.

VOX Book Club – The Epic of Gilgamesh (1800BCE)

Were the the ancient Mesopotamians scared to die? The epic of Gilgamesh has been told and retold for thousands of years. It is THE classic story of fighting against mortality and ripping off monster arms. Read the oldest known written story in the world and find out if ancient fantasy was anything like ours.

The Five Stages of Climate Grief | Anger

Anger and activism play an important role in the public debate on climate justice. But what is the best way of channelling our emotions and turn them into positive action? 

The Five Stages of Climate Grief | Depression

The climate scenarios we face offer little cause for optimism. We are looking for ways in which we can imagine and create better futures. But how do we imagine a future so radically different from anything that has come before?