Join your fellow book lovers! This will be the first of two meetings to read and discuss “The Power”, during which we’ll introduce the book and distribute free copies to the lucky few.
Zoals Plato al zei… | Filosofische actualiteitscursus deel I
Politiek filosoof Ivana Ivkovic en hoofd Studium Generale Leon Heuts vertellen over de geschiedenis van de filosofie aan de hand van actuele thema’s.
Van Hasselt Lecture | Existential Catastrophe: A Multigenerational View | Samuel Scheffler
The annual Van Hasselt Lecture addresses topics around ethics, peace and justice in our technological age.
The Five Stages of Climate Grief | Denial
How “post-truth” are we really? As the planet and the debates heat up, we have to deal with climate change scepticism. How can we have better conversations about climate change?
Van Leeuwenhoeklezing: Anders kijken naar de stad
In de stad is alles ontworpen: de breedte van de straat, de hoogte van de gebouwen, de plek van de boom en het paaltje. Daarbinnen speelt het leven zich af, dat door de tijd steeds andere eisen stelt aan de stad.
Think & Drink | How everyday technology invades the battlefield
Who bears the responsibility when everyday technology ends up shaping conflicts around the world?
Art & Tech Café | Intimacy: Can technology bring us closer together?
Technology is becoming ever more intimately involved in our lives and has enormous potential to bring us closer together. But can technology truly offer an intimate experience?
Filosofisch Café | Het vrouwelijk perspectief: voorbij the male gaze
Wat als we de wereld zouden bezien vanuit de vrouwelijke blik?
The Flavour of Freedom: 150 Years of Keti Koti with Surinamese Delicacies
Keti Koti is a Surinamese day of remembrance, commemorating the abolition of slavery 150 years ago. Join us today for a traditional Surinamese dinner and conversations with your table companions!
VOX Discussion Night: AI & Transhumanism
How do you feel about humanity’s future? From the wildest dreams and conjectures to small practical changes that are already taking place, let’s come together and share our thoughts.