Delta Debate: Boundaries on international ambitions

Benefits and pitfalls of internationalisation at TU Delft

Over the past few weeks, there has been mounting commotion concerning the rapidly rising number of student applications at some of TU Delft’s faculties. Especially the number of new international students is growing so rapidly that a number of measures have been suggested to ease the strain on the University’s limited resources, ranging from selection based on nationality to a numerus fixus for certain faculties.

But do these measures fit the TU Delft’s international ambitions? Should the TU Delft raise barriers to reduce the inflow of international students and preserve its Dutch identity? Or open its borders to foreign culture and knowledge to maintain its international reputation?

Join fellow students, teachers and policy makers for a debate on the international ambitions of our university and the increasing pressure on its resources, followed by free drinks at the Teaching Lab. This event is organised jointly by Studium Generale, Delta, TU Delft Debating Club and the Teaching Lab.

Visit the location's website here.