Diversity Talks is a series of free events that provides an open space to discuss and better understand diversity and inclusion. We will explore aspects of diversity within the context of science, technology and education as well as the work we do here as students, staff and management.
At this fourth event, Sarita Bajnath will give an interactive lecture on intersectionality and privilege followed by a panel discussion with Rob Mudde (Vice Rector Magnificus/Vice President of Education), Rinze Benedictus (Diversity Officer), Nandini Bhattacharya (DEWIS), Cecile Calis (True-U), and a student from the TU Delft Feminists. You are cordially invited to our fourth event ‘Opening Up The Dialogue’ on Thursday 20 June, 12.45 hrs at Teaching Lab, next to the faculty of Industrial Design Engineering. Admission is free and lunch will be provided.
At 14.30 hrs Sarita Bajnath will give a workshop on privilege: the ‘Privilege Walk’ for staff and students. You can register for this workshop at dewis@tudelft.nl. Only 30 places are available for this workshop.
This series of events are made possible by Studium Generale, DEWIS (Delft Women in Science), True-U (LGBT-network), TU Delft Diversity & Inclusion Office, X TU Delft and the TU Delft Feminists. For more information please visit the Diversity & Inclusion website. The next event will take place after summer.