An overview of the things we write


Corona Care Package #6 | How to be alone

Many of us have become modern day hermits overnight. But how do you survive being alone? Billy Barr has been doing it for decades in the Rocky Mountains and shares his tips with us.


Corona Care Package #5 | Mental Health

With most of us stuck at home we thought it was high time to get online and breathe some relaxation, positive energy and enthusiasm into people’s living rooms. 


Corona Care Package #4 | Philosophy

In these confusing times, contemplation and reflection are more needed than ever. Therefore, every Tuesday we will share the most compelling Philosophy books, articles and clips we came across in our archives and research.


Corona Care Package #3 | Arts & Culture

Since we can’t go out to the theatre, cinema or museum we are exploring the virtual possibilities to visit these places. Fortunately many museums and artists already offer virtual tours and performances.


Corona Care Package #2 | Fake News

Media currently share nothing other than corona updates. Some of those messages are false. Unfortunately, they spread just as fast as the virus itself and cause quite a bit of confusion, fear and uncertainty.


Corona Care Package #1 | Presenting the Corona Care Package

Studium Generale created a Corona Care Package to make #stayingin as pleasant as possible. In the following weeks we will share video’s, blogs, articles and podcasts within four focus areas: Mental Health, Fake News, Arts & Culture and Philosophy.


Online Yoga & Meditation

With most of us stuck at home we thought it was high time to get online and breathe some relaxation, positive energy and enthusiasm into people’s living rooms. Read more about our weekly stress busters on Monday and Friday!


Update Coronavirus

Following the most recent recommendations of the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, we regret to announce that all events until June have been cancelled. Please keep an eye on our website, newsletter and social media for the latest information.


130 of 100 km/u? Hoe hard rijd jij?

Vanwege de stikstofuitstoot en –neerslag heeft het Kabinet besloten tussen 6.00 en 19.00 uur de maximumsnelheid van 130 naar 100 km per uur te verlagen. Volgens Bert van Wee nemen de files iets af als we de snelheid verlagen. Kortom, langzamer rijden is beter voor mens en milieu.


Who is afraid of the end of life?

Als het gaat om het ontwerpen voor het einde van het leven, verschillen de sociale en morele waarden die mensen hebben enorm. Het is belangrijk zicht te krijgen op deze verschillen, omdat technologische ontwikkelingen alleen worden geaccepteerd als ze binnen de morele en sociale waarden van mensen passen.


BLOG: Who was Frans van Hasselt?

During the Second World War, the occupying forces took the measure that would deeply affect the higher education in the Netherlands. On the 21st of November 1940 it was announced that all Jewish staff would be suspended from their positions.


Delta editor Saskia Bonger: Keeping the debate alive

Editor-in-chief of the Delta Journalistic Platform TU Delft Saskia Bonger was in the auditorium at a debate organised by Studium Generale about the Nashville statement. She wants to explain one aspect: why Delta did not avoid unrest.


BingeWatch Academy: Superhero Science

Do you binge-watch superhero content? Wonder if superpowers can be real? Do you want to be a superhero? It’s time to enrol in BingeWatch Academy: Superhero Science. Listen to the first Podcast about Superhero Science! March 14th | Episode I:  Superman & Luke Cage April 2nd | Episode II: Jessica Jones & X-Men April 25th […]
