An overview of the things we write


Thoughts about a deceased plant

Recently, I had to discard a plant that I had carried with me through many moves over the years. The plant only had one or two leaves remaining. It unexpectedly became an emotional moment.


Can anger be used for good?

Can anger be used for good? Typically, I begin a story like this with a brief update on recent climate disasters such as heatwaves, floods, or areas drying up. But I’ll skip that for now. We get it.


Intimacy & Technology: So connected, yet so lonely

So connected, yet so alone. Isn’t this one of the greatest paradoxes of modern society? What are we really connecting to with all our advanced technology if more than 50% of the population feels lonely or depressed?


The Female Perspective: wrap up

Can you imagine a world from a female-dominant perspective? Or is it still too much of a taboo to even consider? This past quarter Sanne and Klaas hosted various events on The Female Perspective. What was our goal at the start? And what did we learn in the end?


What actually is the female perspective, according to AI?

“As the moon rose high in the sky, casting a silvery glow upon the beach, Emma found herself lost in a world of sensation and desire. The night whispered secrets to her, inviting her to explore the depths of her sensuality, to revel in the beauty of her own femininity.”

Sit like a lady

What If Women had the Power?

This fall at SG, we’re going to find out what the world would look like if women had the power. We’re going to erase the dominant patriarchal perspective for a moment and substitute it with an alternate reality. What would it look like if the tables were turned?
