An overview of the things we write


SG Highlights | Decolonising Knowledge

Every week until the start of the second semester, we will post a selection of highlights from the past year so you can enjoy our events from home, as on-campus events are currently not possible. Stay safe and healthy and best of luck with your exam preparations!


SG Highlights | Slavernijgeschiedenis van Nederland

This week’s Highlights cover our series of lectures on the history of Dutch slavery. The series was offered in Dutch. Next week we will be back with our English series on Decolonising Knowledge, exploring the legacy of colonial power structures in society. 


SG Highlights | Week 1

Every week until the start of the second semester, we will post a selection of highlights from the past year so you can enjoy our events from home, as on-campus events are currently not possible. Stay safe and healthy and have a wonderful new year!


SG Highlights | Week 52

Every week during the Holidays we will post a selection of highlights from the past year so you can enjoy our events from home, since we are currently unable to offer you these in person. Stay safe and healthy and have a wonderful new year!


SG’s Global Philosophies Lecture Series

In this lecture series, Studium Generale will introduce you to a series of different philosophical traditions from China, India, Africa and the Americas. An acquaintance with other ways of thinking, but also with believing, seeing and feeling, though philosophy, poetry, theatre, music and other forms of art.


Studium Generale (SG) opent het nieuwe seizoen met een volle agenda met veel mooie programma’s op de rol. En met de opening van het Academisch jaar 2021-2022 TU Delft mogen wij jullie gelukkig weer ontvangen! Nog wel in beperkte capaciteit, maar ook via livestream blijft het mogelijk om onze activiteiten te volgen.  Een kleine greep uit […]


Summer Programme X

Until Friday 13 August, our colleagues of X has an Xtensive and Xciting summer programme planned just for you! Are you ready for your dose of summer? Can’t wait to enjoy the sun, learn something new and have some drinks on the terrace all in one spot? X provides you with a daily shot of […]


The Decolonising Knowledge series, cont’d

This series of events explores the legacy of colonial power structures in society.   The TU Delft is beginning to support increased awareness of cultural differences, inequality, and discrimination. However, it remains a mostly male, Western oriented, white community, and there are many relevant topics and issues in the realm of identity and diversity that have yet to be […]


The “World at War” Series

In this series of talks, different thinkers explore the meaning of conflict in our times.  No longer a ‘great game’ of nation states declaring war, invading, and taking land, global aggression in our time takes place through trade, hacking, and proxies. Far from home, or hidden online, it remains largely unseen by us in the Netherlands. And yet ‘war’ in the […]


The Decolonising Knowledge series

This series of events explores the legacy of colonial power structures in society.   The TU Delft is beginning to support increased awareness of cultural differences, inequality, and discrimination. However, it remains a mostly male, Western oriented, white community, and there are many relevant topics and issues in the realm of identity and diversity that have yet to be […]


Enlighten your lockdown holiday with Studium Generale pop-up lectures!

After exams, and before new classes start, you need some time to relax. Under normal circumstances you would meet friends, go to a bar or even skiing. Unfortunately the current circumstances don’t allow for it, so we have to come up with alternative ways to meet and take our mind off the usual hustle and bustle of daily life.


Hesiodos board search + online Art museum

Since physical meetings haven’t been possible for a while, the Hesiodos board made an online art museum to display this year’s submissions to the magazine. Take a walk through the online art museum! For many of us, a great way to maintain our mental health and motivation is to express ourselves. Through drawing, painting, writing, […]


Enjoy the Summer break and see you in September!

We will be on our summer break from July 1st till September 1st. But don’t despair! During the summer break you will still find some of our favorite recordings posted on our social media channels for SG’s #TBT – Throwback Thursday.
