Animism is the belief that all things have a soul or a spiritual essence. Can modern people still experience this as being true (in some sense)? Join us for an existential exploration of the material world.

Animism is the belief that all things have a soul or a spiritual essence. Can modern people still experience this as being true (in some sense)? Join us for an existential exploration of the material world.
If future entities look back on this time, will they think that this is why we’re here: to build the infrastructure of a planetary brain? Join us for a little chat about the internet and planetary evolution.
Are humans too selfish to prevent ecological collapse? Join us for a little chat about human nature, (bio)politics, and the consequences of posthumanism.
Upcoming films of the new, free, and open VOX Film Club include Cinema Paradiso and Hannah & Her Sisters. Small viewings for the true film buff!
Upcoming films of the new, free, and open VOX Film Club include Cinema Paradiso and La Ciénaga. Small viewings for the true film buff!
Are we stuck in a singular, all-consuming consumerist worldview with no hope of escape? Let’s explore Fisher’s ideas together and see where his wisdom leaves us.
Can we write a new story for our world? One where we live in harmony with nature, treat each other equitably and use our knowledge and technology democratically? Studium Generale TU Delft presents the For Love of the World festival.
De mens als de maat der dingen, dat is hoe wij onze maatschappij hebben ingericht. Flora, fauna en technologie zetten we in voor ons welbevinden. Wat als we rekening houden met de wensen van niet-mensen?
Lunch discussion! The history of social hierarchies is paired with great accomplishments and terrible oppression. Why do we keep doing this? Do we really need to create hierarchies of power?
Filosoof en hoofd Studium Generale Leon Heuts vertelt over de geschiedenis van de filosofie aan de hand van actuele thema’s.