The greatest good for the greatest number of people sounds like a sensible approach for impact on society. But do the needs of the many always outweigh the needs of the few, or are there other values and human rights at stake?

The greatest good for the greatest number of people sounds like a sensible approach for impact on society. But do the needs of the many always outweigh the needs of the few, or are there other values and human rights at stake?
How to do good? How to help someone else in a world full of injustice, inequality and corrupt systems? And how do we know that we’re actually doing the right thing? What are our blind spots when we approach those we want to give a hand? Come discuss!
Join Leon Heuts, head of Studium Generale TU Delft, in an interactive lecture on the future of libraries.
Join a panel of AI experts, teachers and students to discuss if ChatGPT can be a useful tool or poses a fundamental threat to education and academic research.
Who determines how to manage water and for whom in development cooperation?
Unfortunately this event has been cancelled! Follow our newsletter or our website to see the announcement for the next SG Academy session
Can scientists be activists? This is a question that is being asked at many universities. Let’s find out where we stand in Delft.
Should a university always cater to the demands from society? How should the university approach its ambitions to grow in the near future?
De natuur is altijd een grote inspiratie geweest voor het ontwerpen van objecten en machines, denk bijvoorbeeld aan de eerste flappende vliegtuigen en klittenband dat geïnspireerd is op zaden van planten.
Join your fellow book lovers! This will be the first of three meetings to discuss “Sailor”, during which we’ll introduce the book and distribute free copies to the lucky few.