How to Weigh An Ice Sheet? (registration required)

Global sea level is rising at 3 millimeters per year. Melting ice sheets and glaciers contribute more than half of that. But how do we know they are shrinking? And how do we know how fast they shrink? Dazzling and groundbreaking physical engineering allows us to assess global ice loss using satellites in great detail and with […]

Circular Economy 101 (@ International Festival of Technology)

The TU Delft Sustainability Community is a combined effort of all student organisations at TU Delft concerned with sustainability. Together with Circular Delft, they are hosting a lecture on Circular Economy 101 by Ken Webster, Head of Innovation at The Ellen MacArthur Foundation and famous for his TEDx talks. Come listen to his introduction to […]

Architecture and Social Media

Development of the architecture student goes a lot further than just architecture. The symposium committee of Stylos, the student association for the faculty of Architecture, combines architecture with other themes in this final series of lectures of the year. Often, combining themes lead to inspiration and new insights. In this series of lectures, the following […]

Architecture and Music

Development of the architecture student goes a lot further than just architecture. The symposium committee of Stylos, the student association at the faculty of Architecture – combines architecture with other themes in this final series of lectures of the year. Often, combining themes leads to inspiration and new insights. In this series of lectures, the […]

Architecture and Film

Development of the architecture student goes a lot further than just architecture. The symposium committee of Stylos, the student association at the faculty of Architecture – combines architecture with other themes in this final series of lectures of the year. Often, combining themes leads to inspiration and new insights. In this series of lectures, the […]

International Festival of Technology: Ice as spacecraft propellant, is it possible?

The Space Engineering Department at TU Delft is researching alternative and innovative micro-propulsion systems for nano-satellites and Cubesats. For this particular class of satellites, the use of safe and non-toxic propellants is very important: thus, why not water or ice? Preliminary research work has shown that an ice-propelled micro-propulsion system, with a performance matching the […]

International Festival of Technology: Science Journalism

Quest is by far the largest popular science magazine of the Netherlands. How do they do that? Editor-in-Chief Thomas Hendriks explains how items in Quest are formed. And he talks about future plans which go far beyond the magazine.

Beta Balie: Impact! Ethical reflection through art

What is the importance of ethical reflection concerning new technologies? That is the subject of the debate that Bèta Balie Delft organizes at the final meeting of the Impact! project. During this experiment, 23 students of the TU Delft have explored the ethical aspects of their future profession and the role of technology in society […]

International Festival of Technology: De Iceman – Een medisch wonder ontrafeld?

Toegang € 5 (studenten) / € 12,50 (overigen) Twee uur lang in een bak met ijs zitten. Wat Wim Hof kan, is medisch gezien niet mogelijk. Waar een ongetraind persoon waarschijnlijk zou sterven door onderkoeling, heeft Wim dat risico nooit gelopen. Wetenschapper Matthijs Kox deed onderzoek naar Wim Hof’s methode en voor het eerst werd […]

GETEKEND: Over de TU Delft in Oorlogstijd

Mei 2015, 70 jaar na de bevrijding. Studium Generale presenteert Getekend, een grootse theaterproductie in het Auditorium van de TU Delft over een groep studenten tijdens de oorlog. Mede geïnspireerd op de historische gebeurtenissen uit het boek Loyaliteit in Verdrukking van Onno Sinke. In maart 1943 worden alle studenten in heel Nederland geconfronteerd met de […]