Privacy VS Paranoia

De onthullingen van Edward Snowden hebben veel losgemaakt, zowel in de Verenigde Staten als bij ons in Europa. Is het op grote schaal afluisteren door overheden en veiligheidsdiensten te rechtvaardigen in naam van onze veiligheid, of draagt het juist bij aan ons gevoelvan onbehagen en paranoia? Op de stelling “Edward Snowden moet politiek asiel krijgen in […]

The Four Wars: Terror, Drugs, Whistleblowers and the Internet

Drawing on her experiences as an MI5 intelligence officer-turned-whistleblower who had to go on the run around Europe, as well as her current work as a writer, commentator, and a Director of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, Annie Machon will be discussing the four current global wars: on terror, drugs, whistleblowers and the internet, and suggesting ways that […]

Broodje Privacy: Alle bitjes helpen

Waarom je je wel zorgen moet maken om je privacy. Een survival guide met Hans de Zwart, directeur van Bits of Freedom. Dertig jaar na 1984, het jaar van Orwell en zijn Big Brother, leven we gemoedelijk in de privacyloze wereld. Eenvoudige burgers als Snowden en Manning zijn inmiddels wereldberoemd. Zij hebben ons uit de […]

Monumental Today

Evelyne Merkx of Merk X discusses the repurposing of monumental architecture today for new purposes. Free lunch, first come first served! This event is part of the “Monumental Architecture Week” organized by Stylos, the student association of the Architecture Faculty, as part of their 120th anniversary celebrations. Please visit the Stylos website for up to […]

What is Monumental?

SOM Architect’s Kent Jackson reflects on their monumental buildings of the present. Free lunch, first come first served! This is an introductory lunch lecture of the “Monumental Architecture Week” organized by Stylos, the student association of the Architecture Faculty, as part of their 120th anniversary celebrations. Please visit the Stylos website for up to date […]

Monumental in the Past

On the history of monumental architecture in Europe. Free lunch, first come first served! This is an introductory lunch lecture of the “Monumental Architecture Week” organized by Stylos, the student association of the Architecture Faculty, as part of their 120th anniversary celebrations. Please visit the Stylos website for up to date information on this event. […]